Anna Hazare, his demands for ending fast, media-sponsored-movement and celebration of victory on the parliament a very layman who cannot see the big things in this media based movement (About the photo- Vivek Umrao Glendenning is talking Continue reading > Share
Anna Hazare's hi-profile mass movement :: will it lead towards a better democracy or towards a chaos-fascism Vivek Umrao Glendenning MCIJ International Journalist, the Chartered Institute of Journalists, London Member, Wikimedia /Wikipedia Continue reading > Share
FORUM FOR GLOBAL HARMONY AND NON-VIOLENT ALTERNATIVE – OUTLINES OF THE POLICY STATEMENT : T N PURWAR Triloki Nath PurwarWritten sometime around 2000Founder, Non-Violence Initiative, NVI Headlines DEVELOPMENT OF Continue reading > Share
TOWARDS A UNIVERSAL SOCIETY –Triloki Nath Purwar Triloki Nath Purwar(The article was written in 1971, before the Bangladesh war) Headlines THE CRISISMAN’S NATURESOCIAL Continue reading > Share
Social Economy, Social Capital vs Virtual Economy, Virtual Capital — Vivek Umrao Glendenning Vivek Umrao GlendenningWe believe that all the basic needs of human beings to stay alive, are produced by common society Continue reading > Share
Proposed Changes in Indian Governance Systems — Vivek Umrao Glendenning Vivek Umrao Glendenning• Any government employee, from chief secretary to village guard, who gets any salary or Continue reading > Share