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Are the state and central governments really not serious for conflict resolution in the Bastar region? : Myth or Truth



Bastar region of Chhattisgarh is a Maoist affected area thus without any doubt there are violations of human rights from either sides by government forces and Maoists. Human rights violations do not happen only by the government forces, they do happen by Maoists in the matter of common tribal people.

It could be a long and controversial debate based on various intellectual conditionings, theories and ideologies. I would not initiate a theoretical debate in this short article but I would like to talk about the other face of the Bastar region. There are heaps of news, reports and articles on human rights violation, violence and exploitation thus I will not repeat those things because we are aware with the negativities of the region but we should also try to see the other faces of the region. 

In this article, I am not debating on characters and types of the State. I just want to say that I observe that the state and central governments are willing to do the development policies and execution on ground. The constructive approach for the development in the region is the primary step towards conflict resolution. The central and state governments are releasing special grants and enthusiastic public officers like Om Prakash Chaudhary, Alex P Menon, R Prasanna, Rajat Kumar, P. Dayanand, Devasenapati, Neeraj Bansod and others are sent there with least possible political interference. 

Om Prakash Chaudhary, IAS:

Om Prakash Chaudhary is a very enthusiastic public officer. He has been doing historical works for education for the tribal children in the district Dantewada also known as South Bastar (Dantewada). He is trying his best to do in the short time span. There is an exclusive story on the works initiated or promoted by him in this edition.

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Er. Niraj Bansod, IAS:

Niraj Bansod was a sub district magistrate, SDM, in Dantewada and now is the chief executive officer of the district Dantewada. He has been working for livelihood and trainings for employment in Dantewada. 

R Prasanna, IAS:

He is a very active public officer, his day starts with early morning and ends with late night. He was the district collector in Bijapur and Dantewada. In Dantewada, he started to make relations with the genuine local tribal youth who had been working for the local community without indulging themselves in the funding games of the NGOs. He was going to the interior villages to meet villagers and was talking with them sitting on ground with the villagers. He made serious efforts to empower the local governance in Dantewada district but before he could had done something visible, he got transferred in the March 2011.

Er. Alex P Menon, IAS:

Alex P Menon is the district collector of Sukama district, the new district. Alex P Menon is a person who goes to the interior areas as a common man, many times he goes to the field in two-wheelers vehicle. Alex P Menon has received threats by the Maoists, Menon gets popularity in the community because of his simplicity, easily availability, enthusiasm and attitude of accountable public officer. 

He was the chief executive officer in the Dhamtari district. He adopted a village named Chhindbarri in Nagri block. The Ground Report India team led by Ramnarendra visited ground works of Mr Alex in Chhindbarri village in the district Dhamtari.

The villagers were very tired with the unaccountable attitude of the people of different government departments thus they told the people to not enter in the premises of the village talking for any government policy.

Alex P Menon adopted Chhindbarri village and started to visit as a common man, he visited each house of the village and talked with the villagers. Mr Menon motivated them for farming and distributed seeds of vegetables and banana by his own hands to the each family of the village.

Mr Menon motivated each family for small pocket family farming, small ponds, fishery, goat-breeding, poultry and cattle-dung biogas electricity unit. In Chhindbarri village, almost each family has vegetable farming centre, fishery, pond, goats and cattle-dung biogas electricity unit and moving towards financial sustainability and empowerment. 

Photos of Chhindbarri village:

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Alex P Menon motivated for community mango-orchard, there are more than 5000 mango-trees community orchard in the Chhindbarri village and it is governed by the local people.

Chhindbarri village is one of the cleanest villages of the India which has a garbage collection system in the village. Many drums or garbage pits could be seen in the village which are used as garbage collectors. Now, Alex P Menon is not an officer in the Dhamtari district but he is still alive anywhere in the deep in the hearts of local villagers.

It is a good policy of the government of Dr Raman Singh to send the enthusiastic young public officers in the region which is affected by the Maoists activities. There will be a hope for the peace if administrative accountability will be established in the region.


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