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TRANSCEND International – A Network for Peace, Development and Environment

TRANSCEND International has four pillars:

Action, Education/Training, Dissemination, Research.

  • TRANSCEND Media Service fulfils the three first functions. It is a medium for TR members to present peace journalism-oriented views, news and analyses in written or video format.

  • TMS is both a service to other media and a medium in its own right. Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS, is included. Materials originated elsewhere are clearly marked with a Go to Original link at the end. We do not use articles or videos attached to a Copyright notice.

  • TRANSCEND International is an experiment in promoting peace by peaceful means throughout the world. Traditionally, institutes have been centered around a building where the people who work together meet on a regular basis. Since many people who share common interests in helping transform conflicts nonviolently and creatively are geographically scattered and cannot usually be physically together, our solution is to create an electronic network of members. This, in addition, diminishes our carbon footprints and contributes to attenuate the global warming crisis.

  • TRANSCEND does mediation and peace-building around the world, with Manuals, a Code of Conduct, and Perspectives with diagnosis, prognosis and therapy for conflicts (see: 50 Years-100 Peace & Conflict Perspectives, TRANSCEND University Press, 2008).

It runs

  • TRANSCEND Peace University-TPU (www.transcend.org/tpu), for government and non-government practitioners and students at any level, with 12-week bi-semester on-line courses, and intensive TPU on-site training programs in several locations around the world (see announcements at the TPU website);
  • TRANSCEND University Press-TUP (www.transcend.org/tup), which publishes high quality books and textbooks about peace by peaceful means, development by developmental means, and environment by environmental means;
  • TRANSCEND Research Institute-TRI (www.transcend.org/tri), which publishes research papers and booklets for free downloading;
  • TRANSCEND Peace Service-TPS, which offers mediation, conciliation and peace-building services by TRANSCEND members, and is open to anybody around the world with conflict and peace concerns and experiences; and
  • TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS (www.transcend.org/tms), a Peace Journalism resource for journalists/media, professionals, students and the Internet public at large.


TRANSCEND has as its mission: To bring about a more peaceful world by using action, education/training, dissemination and research to handle conflicts nonviolently, with empathy and creativity, for acceptable and sustainable outcomes.

TRANSCEND membership encompasses over 500 invited scholars/practitioners from more than 60 countries, with 24 Conveners in 14 World Regions.

  • By peace we mean the capacity to transform conflicts with empathy, without violence, and creatively — a never-ending process;
  • By transforming conflicts we mean enabling the parties to go ahead in a self-reliant, acceptable and sustainable manner;
  • By with empathy we mean the ability also to understand the conflict the way the parties understand the conflict themselves;
  • By without violence we mean that this process should avoid any cultural violence that justifies direct or structural violence;
  • By creatively we mean channeling conflict energy toward new realities, accommodating the parties and meeting basic human needs.


  1. Peaceful Conflict Transformation
  2. Peace-Building
  3. Nonviolence
  4. Reconciliation
  5. Peace Education
  6. Peace Journalism
  7. Peace Business
  8. Peace Systems
  9. Peace and Gender
  10. Peace and the Arts
  11. Peaceful Foreign Policies
  12. Peace Departments/Ministries
  13. UN People’s Assembly

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Prof Johan Galtung

Prof Johan Galtung

a professor of peace studies, dr hc mult, is founder of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment and rector of the TRANSCEND Peace University-TPU

Prof Johan Galtung was born in Oslo. He earned the PhD degree in mathematics at the University of Oslo in 1956, and in 1957 a year later completed the PhD degree in sociology at the same university.

Prof Johan Galtung received nine honorary doctorates in the fields of Peace studies, Future studies, Social sciences, Buddhism, Sociology of law, Philosophy, Sociology and Law.

Prof. Galtung has published 1670 articles and book chapters, over 450 Editorials for TRANSCEND Media Service, and 167 books on peace and related issues, of which 41 have been translated into 35 languages, for a total of 135 book translations, including ‘50 Years-100 Peace and Conflict Perspectives,’ published by the TRANSCEND University Press-TUP.

He was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 1987 and has received many other prizes and accolades as the Humanist Prize of the Norwegian Humanist Association,Jamnalal Bajaj International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values, Brage PrizeMorton Deutsch Conflict Resolution Award, Erik Bye Memorial Prize and other.