Share Tweet Share Share Sanjay Sonawani The deprived sections of India’s society have long been misled by the empty slogans of the socialists. Only the policies of liberalism can break their bondage and provide the security and opportunity to lift them socially and economically. The liberal policies of Swarna Bharat Party will most benefit the poorest of the poor and the socially oppressed, said Mr. Sanjay Sonawani, President of SBP. One of the greatest leaders India had in the past two thousand years was Dr. Ambedkar. If one word can be used to characterise Dr Ambedkar’s worldview, it would be that he was a liberal. During the drafting of India’s Constitution he vigorously fought against any dilution of liberal principles incorporated in it, including through his opposition to the incorporation of the word “socialist” in the Preamble. That he cared deeply for liberalism is also clear from his 1943 lecture in which he regretted the demise of Ranade’s Liberal Party. “The collapse of the Liberal Party is a tragedy to the Liberals. But it is really a disaster to the country”, he said. And to his mind, democracy is “first, an attitude of mind, an attitude of respect and equality towards their fellows. The second is a social organization free from rigid social barriers”. These are the ideas a liberal believes in. These are the ideas that SBP, India’s only liberal party, stands for. Mr Sonawani said that it is unfortunate that illiberal forces have attacked the spirit of liberalism in India and have increased pre-existing caste divisions in India for their political gain. Many liberal principles in the Constitution have been eroded or even removed, and laws made that violate the Constitution. Dr Ambedkar would have deeply regretted the way India has progressed since his death. India needs a national liberal political party that stands for the principles Dr Ambedkar stood for. SBP believes in equality of all under the law. It has a vision and plan to ensure equality of opportunity for all. SBP offers specific governance reforms to ensure that governments ensure security and justice and deliver (not directly manage) world class education for the poorest of the poor. SBP does not believe that the state should dabble in religious matters such as caste. However, we are supportive of evidence-based analysis that underpins the current transient Constitutional welfare provisions for the scheduled castes and tribes. But these provisions do not deal with the underlying causes, which can only be addressed by making available world-best education to the poorest of the poor. Only SBP knows how to do that. Thereafter they will compete in the free market and their shackles will fall apart. Mr Sonawani invited the deprived and oppressed sections of India to understand SBP’s ideology, policies and manifesto and support the party, so that security, justice and equality of opportunity can be made a living reality for the socially deprived peoples of India.
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