Share Tweet Share Share The GHA 55th Project Started on March 11, 2017 Will be approved by the GHA in April 2018 To the Global Harmony Association (GHA) for 12 years of work it became obvious that the way to achieve real global peace can be only on the basis of appropriate science and appropriate general education in the mainstream of this science. The traditional path of pacifism and its separate, even very mass actions, with all its private achievements, is not capable to ensure global peace and excluding wars from the life of society, as proved by its unsuccessful history of the last century, beginning since 1900. The GHA has created, for 12 years, the world’s and history first Global Peace Science (GPS) by 174 co-authors, including Indian President Abdul Kalam, three Nobel Peace Laureates and dozens of outstanding scientists and peacemakers from 34 countries: Http:// Now, the question arises about the GHA and GPS prospects for the future. After the GHA approval of the Scientific Contest (I send you its final version for your use in attachment), focused on the GPS logical center – SPHERON’s theory, the further development of GPS and its application for achieving peace is possible only through a new level of its institutionalization – through creation of the International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP) at least and for the beginning in 4-7 regions and more. The main obstacle to this institutionalization is the lack of funding. It will be overcome within a year. In a year, in April 2018, the GHA will receive 1-1.5 million dollars from the Swedish Global Challenges Foundation and from other sources (I will report this in more detail later). From these funds, the GHA will finance the AGNP work of 4-7 branches/offices with an equal distribution of funds: $200,000 for two years to each office for 15 academicians in each. To begin with, these offices expected to establish in the following countries: Russia (Center and Head Office of AGNP), India, Pakistan, Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda), Slovenia, Greece, Malaysia. Additionally, as reserve we invite the GHA active members and the GPS coauthors from other 16 countries: Kazakhstan, Brazil, Nepal, Argentina, Belgium, Iran, Armenia, Japan, Denmark, Ireland, France, Spain, Algeria, Australia, Canada and the USA to discuss this issue. The Contest to this Academy is already announced ( and some of you have already sent the review on it. Table: AGNP Start-up Offices in the Following Countries: Country and City Director + office managers Scientific Staff Average m/salary, an employee Annual budget (May 2018-May 2019) Annual budget (May 2019-May 2020) Russia, St. Petersburg Leo Semashko + Julia Budnikova, Petr Semashko, Vera Popovich,….. 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 India, IASE? Delhi? Bangalore? Subhash Chandra + Kanak Dugar, Ramesh Kumar, Surendra Pathak, Ravi Kumar, Subhash Sharma 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Pakistan, Islamabad Noor Larik + Invited 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Africa, Accra? Kigali? Abuja? Ayo Amale + Heli Habirimana, Ade Adesina 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Slovenia, Izola Timi Ecimovic + Matish Mulej 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Greece, Athens Takis Ionides + Dionysis Gerakopoulos 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Malaysia, Koala Lumpur Gopala Krishnan + Sharifa Sabrina, Samraj Arugan 15 $500 $100.000 $100.000 Each segment of the table, except for the budget, can be adjusted by directors and managers of regional branches before February 1, 2018. The Offices employees, the AGNP scientific staff are academicians, specialists in the humanities disciplines, primarily: sociologists, statisticians, demographers and economists, with the degree of a master’s, graduate, candidate and doctor of the corresponding sciences. If employees do not have a scientific degree, then for two years of work they must prepare a thesis for the appropriate scientific degree. The first requirement for all employees, without exception, is to write a review to the SPHERONS’ argumentation in accordance with the Contest requirements, which was approved by the GHA on March 11, 2017: Directors and Offices managers should write these reviews up to May 1, 2017. Those who do not write these reviews will be replaced by another candidate or the corresponding regional office will be closed, and a new office in another region will be created instead. The AGNP each Office simultaneously solves two MAIN interrelated research tasks during two years: Statistical study of SPHERONS in separate countries (India, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Greece, etc.) in accordance with the approved methodology (Global Peace Science, Chapter 2: Peace-science-2016.pdf, p. 51-97) on the standard of statistical model of SPHERONS of Russia (ibid.). ~ 5 statisticians. Working the Spheral Information-Statistical Technology (SIST) as the basis of the digital economy and technology of harmonious management of global peace and the peaceful solution of local conflicts (ibid, p.43-44; +, p. 51-58, etc.). SIST as a business project is presented briefly here: ( ~ 5 programmers. Together with the main tasks, each branch solves two secondary/accompanying tasks: Wide publication, discussion, translation into other languages, marketing and sales of research and development results in two main areas. ~ 2 employees. Preparation of the project of transformation of the AGNP department into the government Agency for Strategic Peace Initiatives with state budgetary financing since 2020. ~ 2 employees. Within the framework of each branch it is proposed to create two scientific-theoretical sectors: Global Peace Science from Spherons’ Harmony (Spherons’ Sector) and 2. Protection of Humanity, Nature, Space and Environment (Noosphere’s Sector) within the scientific staff of each Office. We invite 57 active members of the GHA and GPS coauthors from 28 countries to participate in the working discussion of this project during THREE days until March 21 inclusively. The final discussion and approval of this project within of the GHA will take place in April 2018, when the issue of financing will be resolved – in a year, which will be the training of personnel. The silence of the invited in this discussion will mean refusing to participate in it. We cannot and will not wait for anyone, just as peace cannot wait forever for scientists capable of ensuring its achievement. If you have special, regional issues, for example, where is the best place in India to create an AGNP office – within the IASE University or on another site? – I am ready to discuss them with you. The main thing now is your personal review within 10 lines – 2 pages for the Contest. These reviews I wait until May 1, 2017. It would be nice of you to inform when you plan to send me and Dr. Subhash Chandra your reviews. The main initial task of the AGNP regional leaders is to select the necessary scientists and managers – 15 people, to find and invite young active candidates to every regional academic team. To confirm your right to be the AGNP regional branch leader, you should, before November 1, 2017, attract 15-20 young specialists (undergraduates, graduate students, candidates and doctors of sciences) from sociology, statistics and economics to the Contest first of all by providing them with its Conditions (in the attachment) and the necessary information through the GHA website ( This work is waiting for you since May 2017 AFTER how you will write and send the required reviews to the Contest. On the Contest results we will form a stable staff of committed like-minded persons into the AGNP regional branches. They will be able to raise this science to the state level and make it the first necessary scientific knowledge for national leaders and governments in achieving peace, prosperity and sustainable development. You will be the leaders and managers of these new Academies in your countries. You will start a new, peaceful and prosperous history of your countries. Do you want this? It depends on your active work. We cooperated with you together and in harmony 12 years in the GHA to create Global Peace Science. Now, when we have created it in the first approximation, it requires institutionalization in the International AGNP for its further development, and most importantly, for practical application in politics and other spheres, in order to ensure the scientific building global peace in practice and to prevent new wars, primarily nuclear, destructive for mankind and nature. Regional branches of our Academy, united in the scientific vision of global peace, will raise it to a qualitatively new level of practice, thinking, and social peaceful consciousness to overcome militarism, hatred and violence by force of SPHERONS’ harmony. The GHA looks forward to your active support of the AGNP as a new level of peacemaking. Best wishes for peace from harmony of SPHERONS, Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President, 18-03-17. Please visit at Contest — SPHERONS’ Argumentation : Advantages and Disadvantages
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