Contest — SPHERONS’ Argumentation : Advantages and Disadvantages


Contest Conditions

  1. Definition of the key concept in the Contest: SPHERONS. SPHERONS are four universal harmonious classes of the population, covering it as a whole, without exception, employed in four spheres of social production. They constitute a deep societal (macro-) structure of humanity/ NOOSPHERE at all levels, which is constant in its architecture in all historical transformations but always changeable by composition of specific individuals. This structure establishes internally organized perpetual social genome (Socionome) of humanity/NOOSPHERE at all levels, ensuring its internal self-government, autopoiesis, global peace, survival, sustainable development and prosperity of all nations from harmony of SPHERONS. SPHERONS are a fundamental global social reality, constantly defining the society/person’s life, which is due to its depth and complexity has been available for knowledge only in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
  1. The value of SPHERONS’ idea. The SPHERONS’ idea,  which arose 40 years ago is the center, the heart, the nerve and the essence of Global Peace Science (GPS) [1], as well as all 8 books and more than 50 projects of global peace and harmonious civilization from social harmony created during 12 years in the (GHA) [2]. The idea SPHERONS has a key importance for the new social science and development of the social knowledge in the future. Of key epistemological importance of SPHERONS’ idea for any social knowledge follows the key importance of its scientific reasoning and argumentation in all conceivable forms. SPHERONS are the social reality that determines for the most part all the positive qualities, values, and health of humanity/NOOSPHERE but that human has not yet knew so far in his traditional social sciences that determines their backwardness and stagnation. The biological health is dependent on the 60% from the genome.  The social and economic health of society depends at least (if not much more) from knowledge and use of SPHERONS as social genome.
  2. The Contest subject: The scientific expert rating/valuation in two forms: positive/constructive or negative/critical of the evidential argumentation of SPHERONS. From many argumentations for 40 years now it is represented in two the most concise versions (3 + 2 pages) in the relevant articles of Leo Semashko below: Deep Societal Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI century; and: Argumentation of Historical Reason in Knowledge of Societal Structure of Society/Human/Noosphere (SHN). The main detailed scientific reasoning SPHERONS is presented in the GPS book in its first two chapters: the first chapter (30 pp.) – A detailed theoretical proof of SPHERONS; the second chapter (46 pp.) – a detailed statistical, empirical proof of SPHERONS by the example of Russia and other countries.The Contest scientific goal is the best critical scientific review (critique) on the SPHERONS’ argumentation providing its strengthening and development or disproof.Summary. Logic of the scientific theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS in its pure form without details. It consists of three theses-assumptions.
  1. The life of society/person is impossible without four equally necessary and sufficient resources: People, Information, Organization and Things (material goods and services): PIOT. The absence of at least one of them excludes the life of society/person (Toffler and others).
  2. A society is a system of four necessary and sufficient spheres of social production (Marx and others).
  3. The life of a person from birth to death is autopoiesis, selfproduction (Maturana and others).These theses are confirmed by the whole history of mankind and knowledge, which knows not a single refuting fact. There is no any scientific refutation or scientifically proven alternative to these theses. If you know it or can offer it, please formulate it in a critique to the Contest. In the extreme case, this argumentation can be reduced to the last two theses. In any version, one necessary conclusion follows from them:CONCLUSION: The population, people of any society and humanity as a whole are always divided into four equally necessary and sufficient classes on their employment in four spheres of social production, therefore these classes was named by SPHERONS.

    Their attributes, role in society, place in history and significance for the whole social life and human cognition are revealed in the GHA works (above). To refute this conclusion, at least one of his premises must be refute. This is a key scientific conclusion similar conclusion of Copernicus, in the recognition of which “fear should not give advice” (Dante). Silence in it can mean one of two: 1. “Nothing to object” and 2. “I cannot admit it; it will be too much for his” – moral stinginess.

  1. Contest Requirements.
    1. Textual. At the Contest the textual reviews/ratings on the subject matter, i.e., SPHERONS argumentation accept in the length  from 10 lines to 2 (maximum) standard pages by 12 font of Times New Roman and single interval. The sent reviews are published on the page:
      SPHERONS Argumentation Ratings:
      (See here the first review of Prof. Siebert, USA).
    2. Meaningful. Each review must include an answer to the central question: “Is the proposed argumentation of SPHERONS satisfactory from a scientific point of view or unsatisfactory” Similar response must be the original premise of review or its deduction. To Contest participate only reviews with the scientific evidence are accepted, which contain a theoretical/logical arguments or empirical-statistical facts and historical evidence, or a combination thereof. Reviews deprived of scientific evidence that they are substituted with any ideological justification – political, philosophical, religious, national, etc. to participate in the Contest will not be accepted. Reviews can be both positive and critical in any measure. Review, which offers scientific proof, completely destroying the proposed SPHERONS argumentation, is particularly scientific importance and value as the ultimate test of viability of SPHERONS idea. The author of similar review gets the best chance to win the Contest.
    3. Structural. All Contest reviews should have a brief (up to 10 lines) bio note indicating the scientific degree, education, employment, scientific experience, the number of scientific publications, home address and all contacts: phone, email, Skype, website. It is allowed only single authors update of reviews. Other restrictions to participate in Contest do not exist.
    4. Temporal and technical. The Contest duration is 1 year, until 15 February 2018. Reviews on the Contest will be accepted until January 15, 2018 in the form of files attached to an email in WORD.DOC format. Other formats are not accepted. Reviews are submitted in one of two languages: English or Russian. Reviews are sent by email in two addresses simultaneously for safety and control:
      Dr. Subhash Chandra, GHA President (India) and
      Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Honorary President (Russia).
  2. Contest Jury: This is the GHA Board – 36 members from 14 countries (, which is competent if not less than 50% of its members participate. The Jury members have the right to participate in the Contest. The Jury determines the winners in two categories: Best scientific positive/constructive review and Best scientific negative/critical review. The Jury works constantly, meets with incoming reviews but their valuation it discusses and approves in the period from 15 January to 10 February. The Jury recommended or not recommended the reviews authors for the title of Academician of the International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP – see below.). The Jury determines the sole winner for cash prize in $ 1,000.
  1. Prize and Awards of the Contest winners. In view of the financing deficit, the GHA has the ability for the first Contest to install only one cash prize in $ 1,000. It will be ensure by the GHA business CEO Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Mr. Andrei Semashko and some other sponsors of GHA. The Contest main award is recognition of its winners as the Academicians of AGNP with job and salary. The structure and working conditions of this Academy will be announced at the beginning of 2018. The Contest results are announced on the GHA anniversary – 15 February.
  1. The Contest organizational goal. It is creation of the International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP – 10-20 humanities scholars to begin), the formation of its staff (full members – Academicians) of the Contest winners, scientifically convinced in the fundamental role of SPHERONS as key actors of global noospheral peace, ensuring the survival of not only humanity but also the Earth’s biosphere. The risk of any world war with any weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear – is the risk of destroying not only the Noosphere but and Earth’s biosphere. To prevent this risk can only fundamental actors – SPHERONS, constituting global peace within Noosphere through its deep harmonious societal structure. In this architecture, now lacks only one ingredient: scientific knowledge, science of SPHERONS. Its deficiency is intended to fill AGNP, international staff of which is formed as a result of this Contest. AGNP will be Academy of the renewed peacemaking and innovative pacifism, keeping all its achievements but opening the way out of the impasse of traditional pacifism, which was powerless before the war for almost two centuries. AGNP will be Academy of a new level of public consciousness and scientific thinking, to only which, according to Einstein, global problems created traditional thinking are resolved. The Contest will create a stable staff of convinced adherents for the new Academy, which will be able to raise social knowledge and its sciences to a qualitatively new level overcoming their fragmentation, stagnation and backwardness. This is the Contest main result, which constitutes a key resource of the social sciences revolution.
  1. The Contest significance. For the world’s scientific and expert community, this Contest is a test for the ability to adequately reflect and evaluate the fundamental discovery of SPHERONS, their argumentation and scientific importance. For scientific argumentation of SPHERONS and further development of Tetrasociology and its Global Peace Science this Contest is a test for viability, determining the extent of their intellectual potential and its limitations. The SPHERONS idea was originated in Tetrasociology 40 years ago. During this time there was not one of its scientific refutation. This Contest is designed to find either similar rebuttal, which will receive a prize of $ 1000, or be convinced in its (rebuttal) impossibility and full logical truth of SPHERONS argumentation providing a revolution of social knowledge and its sciences.

Project authors:

Dr. Leo Semashko, Dr. Subhash Chandra, Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Surendra Pathak, Mr. Kanak Dugar and others.


  1. Dr. Leo Semashko (Editor in Chief) and 173 coauthors from 34 countries. Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. World Textbook. First Edition in English, Smaran Publication, JD Group of Publication, New Delhi, 2016, 616 pages, ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6 :
  1. The GHA Books and Projects List:

The two variants of logical argumentation of SPHERONS are below.

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Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony:

Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century

By Dr. Leo Semashko


In English:
In Russian:


Today year is the year of the 100th anniversary of the great Russian sociologist Mikhail Kovalevsky (1851-1916), who the first stated the need of transition from monism to pluralism in sociology. Tetrasociology, developed my since 1976 and Global Peace Science based on its present the newest paradigm of pluralism in sociology via its four-dimensional variant (Tetrism) of the deep societal structure of SPHERONS’ harmony.  

Key words: global peace, global peace science, harmony, spherons, deep societal structure, humanity, Copernican revolution, spiritual revolution, tetrasociology, tetrism

Mikhail Kovalevsky (1851-1916) is the first Russian sociologist who proclaimed the need for pluralism in sociology and criticized monism in a whole, Marxist materialistic/economic monism in particular. He wisely characterized it as a “fatal mistake” and “naive simplification” [1]. This was fully proved by whole practice of the 20th century and the collapse of Marxism with the collapse of the Soviet Union but this does not detract from the USSR historical achievements in all spheres.

Monism does not allow sociology to find deep, stable at all times, social structure that defines the social world/reality as such. It was not found until now, but it has several approximations. One of the most promising of them is tetrasociology, developing since 1976 under the original name of “system-spheral approach” or “spheral approach” [2].

The discovery of a deep social structure as structure of the universal harmonious classes of the population – SPHERONS employed in four spheres of social production, which determine invariant social reality (social) at all times, the first time it became possible into tetrasociology [2]. Tetrasociology expresses four-dimensional pluralistic social philosophy, on the foundations of which is built the science of social harmony, harmonious civilization and global peace. Discovering SPHERONS in tetrasociology is based on the axiom of social harmony and the three fundamental facts of social cognition.

Axiom of social harmony: The harmonious existence of a society in any place and at any time is defined by the measure in proportion of four equally necessary and sufficient social resources: People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T). (Things are any material benefits and services). In the acronym: P-I-O-T, or: PIOT [3].

The first fact and achievement is the discovery of the four spheres of society or social production, which belongs to Karl Marx in “German Ideology“, 1845 [4].

The second fact and achievement is the discovery of vital employment, self-production, autopoiesis, which belongs to Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (1973) [5], which was introduced in sociology by Nicholas Luhmann in 1990 [6]. They proved that property, power, religion and the like attributes are its special cases.

The third fact and achievement is the creation of the first in sociology system theory of “structural functionalism” of four “societal subsystems” or spheres and related “societal communities” by great American sociologist- theorist Talcott Parsons in 1937-1978, which was developed by Alvin Toffler, Pierre Bourdieu and some other theorists [7].

But this theory of high universal explanation of social reality was rejected by industrial sociology after Parsons’ death (1978). About this well-known British sociologist Margaret Archer wrote: “From the 1970s on wards there was a steady abandonment of ‘systematic sociology’… Generically, the majority of today’s social theory has no resources with which to conceive of a robust civil society and a real civil economy… With Marxism dead, so was the power to conceive of a better future attained through social conflict. With Parsons in demise, so died any serious concern with social integration and ‘the problem of social order’” [8].

The combination of these key facts and achievements of social knowledge in Tetrasociology led to the discovery of SPHERONS [2; 3; 7]. SPHERONS are the large groups of people of entire population, which differ in their life and labor employment in the four spheres of production (it is why they are called SPHERONS) continuously reproducing the four necessary and sufficient resources of society and human – resources of PIOT in their infinite historical variety. Therefore, they are also necessary and sufficient. Deep social structure of SPHERONS is soft, associated with the transitions in time from one life employment to another. SPHERONS are harmonious classes of the population, ensuring social peace from harmony, because the reproduction of resources can only be in harmony and peace, which exclude violence, struggle and war of PARTONS – private, local and historically transient antagonistic groups, classes, nations in terms of tetrasociology [9, Chapter 1]. Any conflict and war between them on any grounds of partial property, wealth, income, etc. are only a special case of internal social harmony of SPHERONS. SPHERONS are the eternal actors, the heart, the engine and the genome of the society and its global peace. These are they key functions, attributes, meaning and significance disclosed in tetrasociological paradigm. SPHERONS are represented in all social institutions and at all levels from the global to the individual and family [9].

Let us compare tetrasociology with its origins. Marx discovered the four spheres of social production but he not knew autopoiesis. Maturana discovered autopoiesis but he not knew of the production’s spheres. Parsons discovered/created a four-dimensional societal system of structural functionalism but he not knew the Maturana’s discovery and ignored the discovery of Marx. Tetrasociology and its Global Peace Science (GPS) integrated their achievements in the discovery of the four eternal universal SPHERONS employed in four spheres of production. SPHERONS constitute the social genome of humanity and determine his life in peace from harmony [9, Chapter 1; 10].

At the level of humanity of its deep social structure of SPHERONS in the corresponding tetrasociological terminology is expressed as follows:

  1. SPHERON-1 (P1) is employed in Sociosphere, object and product of which are PEOPLE (P)
  2. SPHERON-2 (P2) is employed in Infosphere, object and product of which is INFORMATION (I)
  3. SPHERON-3 (P3) is employed in Orgsphere, object and product of which are ORGANIZATIONS (O)
  4. SPHERON-4 (P4) is employed in Technoecosphere, object and product of which are THINGS (T)


POPULATION, PEOPLE (P) = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4

The empirical basis of the theory SPHERONS in tetrasociology is Statistics. The size of each SPHERON of humanity today may be hypothetically determined by the pattern of their statistical proportion for Russia 2010 calculated in the GPS Chapter 2 [9]. The number of Russian SPHERONS in millions and in percentage to the total population (rounded):

SOCIOSPHERON = 85 million or 59.4%

INFOSPHERON = 4 million or 2.8%

ORGSPHERON = 10.8 million or 7.5%

TECHNOSPHERON = 41 million or 28, 6%

Statistical error = 2.3 million or 1.6%

The size of humanity’s SPHERONS in 2011 ($ 7 billion) in this proportion is:

SOCIOSPHERON = 59.4% = 4.2 billion

INFOSPHERON = 2.8% = 0.2 billion

ORGSPHERON = 7.5% = 0.5 billion

TECHNOSPHERON = 28, 6% = 2 billion

Statistical error = 1.6% = 0.1 billion.

It is obvious that such an extrapolation of proportions of one country to the whole of humanity is rough but the other does not exist today. The proportions of sizes of SPHERONS in each country and each region are very different. However, it is immutable fact that if SPHERONS could be calculated for the one country, they can be calculated in the same manner for any other country. This global statistics is an empirical foundation for global sociology of SPHERONS.

Logic and ontology of SPHERONS. They are simple and indisputable. If we recognize the reality of the four necessary and sufficient spheres of social production, which continually produce four necessary and sufficient for the life of society and every individual PIOT resources, we have to recognize the reality of the four necessary and sufficient SPHERONS employed in the spheres of production. The spheres of production cannot exist and be real without SPHERONS. This is a simple truth that no one has ever denied. But it is deeply hidden under a thick cover of the historical fragmentation and endless cultural diversity of quality and graduation of the spheral objects (spheres, spheral resources and SPHERONS). Therefore, it has been available only in the late 20th and early 21st century, in tetrasociology. This is the Copernican revolution of sociology, its transition from the private and temporary sociologies of PARTONS to fundamental sociology of SPHERONS.


  1. Kovalevsky M.M. Sociology. – M., 1910. Vol.2. – P. 19; He. Modern Sociologists. SPb. 1905. – P. 8, 14, etc. in Russian;
  2. Semashko Leo (1992) Sphere Approach: Philosophy, Democracy, Market and Human. St.-Petersburg, 368 p. (in Russian); He. (2000). Tetrasociology as the Revolution of Social Thinking, the Way of Harmony and Prosperity. St.-Petersburg, 168 p. (in Russian); He. (2001). Tetrasociology as Sociology of Four Measurements. To the problem statement // Sociological studies. 2001, №9, p. 20-28; He. (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (in Russian and English), 158 p.
  3. Semashko Leo (2012. The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking.  Together with the GHA 75 coauthors from 26 countries. Joint publication of GHA and IASE University, India. Global Textbook. GHA 34th Project. First published in English in India, New Delhi, Doosra Mat Prakashan, 2012, pages ~334. ISBN – 978-81-923108-6-2
  4. Marx, K. and Engels, F. Works. Edition 2. GPI – Volume 3 – Moscow, 1955. – P. 15-62.
  5. Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis: the organization of the living (1973) // Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis and Cognition. – Boston, 1980. – P. 63–134
  6. Luhmann, Nicolas (2007) Introduction to Systems Theory. – M.: Publishing House – “Logos”
  7. Parsons, Talcott (1975), “The Present Status of ‘Structural-Functional’ Theory in Sociology”, Social Systems and The Evolution of Action Theory, New York: The Free Press

Parsons, Talcott (2007) American Society: A Theory of Societal Community. Paradigm Publishers. See the chapter on American history: Semashko Leo (1999) Sociology for Pragmatists. Part 1 – St. Petersburg. – S.148-157. Analysis of the theories of Parsons. Toffler, Bourdieu and the like.

  1. Archer, Margaret (2010) The Current Crisis: Consequences Of Neglecting The Four Key Principles Of Catholic Social Doctrine:
  2. Semashko, Leo and 174 coauthors from 34 countries.  Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. – Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 2016. – 616 p.
  3. Semashko, Leo (2016) SPHERONS of Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Peacebuilding and Civilization. Synopsis:    

Leo M. Semashko, Ph.D. (Philosophy),
RAN Professor; Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; GHA Honorary President since 2016; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books in 1-12 languages; Author of Tetrism as the unity of Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology – science of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Web portal “Peace from Harmony”:;  Initiator, Manager, Coauthor and Editor in Chief of the book project “Global Peace Science” (GPS):

Personal page:

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Argumentation of Historical Reason in Knowledge of the Societal Structure of Society/Human/Noosphere (SHN)

By Leo Semashko


In English:
In Russian:

This text is a synopsis of numerous (more than 400), the author’s works, including 18 books [1] and hundreds of articles [2] devoted to the deep societal structure of SPHERONS – harmonious productive classes of the population of any society in any historical time and space. The most detailed logical reasoning and theoretical proof of SPHERONS is presented in Chapter 1 of “Global Peace Science” (2015/6, 30 pp.) [3; 4]. On the three pages it is presented in the article: “ Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century” [5]. Empirical, statistical evidence of SPHERONS is presented in Chapter 2 of this book on 50 pages [3; 4] on Russian and English.

We confine ourselves here only the analysis of the logical argumentation of SPHERONS in the clean and dry residue distracting from all the details and the most simplistic. This argumentation is the center and the essence of the theoretical evidence of SPHERONS, which, in turn, constitute the key to the modern scientific understanding of society, human and noosphere. It boils down to the limit, minimal case to two general premises and one general conclusion. Before analyzing this argumentation, we briefly outline the terminology defining the subject area, scope and dialectics of analysis.

The subject of our analysis is a social system in its full extent bounded by two extreme poles: the macro-pole, which is expressed by the term “society” and the like, and micro-pole, which is expressed by the term “individual” and the like. The poles of the social system are inseparable, do not exist without each other and mutually include each other as whole/part in various respects: in the social aspect – the human is a part of society and in Biological aspect – the society is a part of an person or the biosphere. In the Earth’s ontology the social system of the society/human is part as one of the many (at least seven) spheres of the Earth, which was called “noosphere” in Vernadsky’s [6], Teilhard de Chardin’s [7] and others work [8]. The noosphere is a part of, primarily, the Earth’s biosphere. Therefore, a holistic and global understanding of the social system and its place in the Earth will adequately expressed the unity of the three concepts and their terms: Society/Human/Noosphere. In shorten using an abbreviation is SHN. We will also use each of these three terms as a synonym for the system as a whole in the appropriate focus and emphasis.

It can be argued with a high degree of probability that such an understanding of the social system is common in contemporary social science. Only a matter of deep societal structure of this system, uniting it in a sustainable global integrity, remains open for historical reason so far as all of its traditional theories remain theories of the private, historically transient and limited in space and time social structures, constantly replacing each other in history and are no adequate to SHN nature.

Social system of SHN has a special nature which distinguishes it from the biosphere. In the history of the human mind have been many attempts to answer the question of its social nature and essence. The most appropriate to science is a theory of the production entity of society, which was first introduced in the most extensive form by Adam Smith in his “Wealth of Nations” [9], extremely generalized by Karl Marx in the thesis of “society is a system of four production spheres” in the preface of “German Ideology” [10] and is detailed in all aspects of numerous researchers thereafter. All these evidences provide sufficient scientific basis to recognize that the essence of society is the four spheres of production, regardless of their numerous and varied terminology, which is not yet well established.

Humberto Maturana’s discovery of “autopoiesis” (self-production) in 1973 [11] revealed the production nature and essence of the social SHN system with micro-pole, from the human side. According to him, every human life, from birth to death is “autopoiesis” as a permanent employment of person into self-production. But the human self-production is possible only in society, only in its four production spheres, so it is a continuous process of change of individual self-employment in the four social spheres of production.

So, the two established general premises of the scientific mind in knowledge of social nature today in the most simplified form are as follows:

  1. Society is four spheres of production (Marx).
  2. Human is self-production, he is employed in social production (Maturana).

The logical general conclusion from these premises is that the population in any country at any time and space, or the world’s population as a whole – humanity at any moment in history at all levels, from the family to the global level is divided into four large groups by employment in four areas social production. These groups comprise four special classes, called SPHERONS by employment in the spheres. SPHERONS constitute constant societal (macro) structure that includes the entire population, without exception, and determine the social genome of mankind throughout its history.  

This structure as a special, deep, not available superficial glance reality has many unique fundamental attributes that distinguish it from all the historic forms of private social structures. Brief list of its main attributes is as follows. It is the constant (eternal) by the architecture but always variable in composition due to the change of self-employment in it. It is universal, necessary and sufficient to the nature of social SHN system, so it is adequate to it and reveals its fundamental objective side – its inner firm structure. It is harmonious, because production in four areas requires harmony, balance and proportionality, coherence between them, without which they do not exist. It is peaceful in its essence, because SPHERONS cannot fight each other and kill each other, because each is a necessary prerequisite for the each other. To fight and kill each other are capable only a few their parts – the historically transient and antagonist on a particular basis private classes – Partons. Dialectics of SPHERONS and Partons is disclosed in the above [3, 4].

In the universal, necessary and sufficient quality, it is a social genome of society/human persisting in all and any transformations of the social system. It determines the structural similarity of the social system poles (society and human) and similarity of psychological genome of each individual. Knowing this structure integrates all the constructive achievements of the social sciences and interdisciplinary combines them into a single social science with radically new cognitive and pragmatic abilities. The use of this structure as a methodology of social cognition opens unlimited perspectives of solution on both the internal social problems, especially global and external environmental challenges as the noosphere relationship with the nature. The first global problem is the problem of world peace is solved in Global Peace Science in the first but the fundamental approximation, without details. The solution of other global problems is analogous. It is the integration of all social resources for harmonious governance and management of their production and use in addressing each of these issues. This structure raises the social thinking to a new level, where the traditional problems are solved. As Einstein wrote: “The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” All this is shown in more detail in the books mentioned above as well as the Global Peace Science Primer [12].  

Summary. It’s a question of quality assessment and recognition of scientific sufficiency for SPHERONS’ logical argumentation. Does it fundamental error, limitation or confusing? The author does not see them, so I think it is theoretically perfect and because the “iron” with an absolutely necessary consequence. But he, like any person is limited in his knowledge and is no immune from mistakes. So he calls to the scientific community with a proposal: either to accept this fundamental general conclusion about the real existence of the spheral classes – SPHERONS as constant societal structure, or show the errors and limitations of logical argumentation not allowing coming to such a general conclusion. Only in this case its negation would be scientific justification and ethical, which, in turn, will become scientific achievement, since in science as a negative result is the same science.

Leo Semashko (Bio note is in [5]).


  1. Leo Semashko’s Books and Brochures:
  2. GHA International Website “Peace from Harmony”:
  3. Лев Семашко и 88 соавторов из 30 стран. Наука глобального мира или миролюбология: первое общее благо и право человека, революция социальных наук, созидание мира из гармонии и победа мира над войной в XXI веке. Всемирный учебник. – СПб. Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2015. – 432 с.:
  4. Semashko, Leo and 174 coauthors from 34 countries.  Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. – Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 2016. – 616 p.
  5. Semashko, Leo (2016) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century:
  6. Владимир Вернадский. Научная мысль как планетное явление. М.,1972
  7. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man, Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961
  8. The Biosphere and Noosphere Reader / Ed. by P.R. Samson and D. Pitt with a foreword by M. S. Gorbachev. London; New York. Routledge, 1999
  9. Smith, A., 1976, The Wealth of Nations edited by R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner, The Glasgow edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith
  10. Marx, K. and Engels, F. Works. Edition 2. GPI – Volume 3 – Moscow, 1955. – P. 15-62.
  11. Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis: the organization of the living (1973) // Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis and Cognition. – Boston, 1980. – P. 63–134
  12. Semashko, Leo (2016) Global Peace Science. Primer for Adults: 

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The Spherons of Harmony

Prof. Dr. Leo Semashko, the President of the Global Harmony Association et al wrote excellent argumentation for the theory of Spherons as important quality of the Global Community of Humankind:

Leo’s the qualitative futuristic thinking based upon past and present and dealing with future is unique access to the important relationship of the Homo sapiens civilization and Nature, the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth and the requisitely holistic the Biosphere of the planet Earth.

It is case of good complex problem thinking with intention to assist better future of the humankind and even better philosophical thinking.

Thank you Leo and cooperating members of the GHA for excellent contribution.

Please accept my congratulation and I remain,

Yours Friendly,

Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic,
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(The first critique in 10 lines – first paragraph – of Prof. Rudolf Siebert)

Tetrasociology of Spherons
Rudolf Siebert

The proposed and developed argumentation of Spherons – eternal in the societal structure but constantly changing in their filling spontaneous harmonious classes of the population, actors of society and global peace in Tetrasociology [1] and in its Global Peace Science (GPS) [2] – is quite satisfactory from a scientific point of view. This scientific conclusion about reality of Spherons is fundamental and logically impeccable as all its premises are logical and factual flawless: 1. Four spheres of social production (Marx and others), 2. Productive employment of people from birth to death, “autopoiesis” (Maturana and others), 3. “Societal communities” of people (Parsons and others) [3]. But these premises and conclusion are requiring a comment, detailing, historical analogies and further development in terms of our critical philosophy.

We look at the Tetrasociology in the perspective of a dialectical history and philosophy of science, according to which one scientific paradigm negates the previous one not abstractly, but concretely:  i.e. it does not only criticize it, but it also learns from it, and preserves it, and elevates it, and completes it. Pluralistic models, like Tetrasociology concretely supersede monistic paradigms, preserving in themselves the scientific accomplishments of the latter.

Marx determinately negated Kant and Hegel. Weber and Durkheim and the structural-functionalist system theorists, Parsons, Merton, Luhmann, Toffler, Bourdieu, etc., and their middle range theories,  tried to concretely supersede Kant, Hegel and Marx, on the Right, Horkheimer, Adorno, Fromm, Marcuse, Habermas, Honneth, etc., on the Left. Archer’s negation of Marx, and of the structural functionalists may be a little bit premature, and too abstract, and not dialectical enough, in order to do justice to the historical process, and the real development of family, civil society, constitutional state, and culture or civilization, including art, religion, philosophy and science.

The end of the Soviet Union does not necessarily mean the end of Marx’s historical, or dialectical, materialism, in spite of its monistic and sometimes even positivistic tendencies, mistakes and simplifications. Stalinism, which Western Marxists called red fascism, may  have been less the result of Marx’s or Lenin’s dialectical theories, and more of  historical circumstances: e.g. the insufficient development of the Russian bourgeoisie in 1917; the need for industrialization; the capitalist invasions in the 1920ties and the 1940ties; and the neo-liberal counter-revolution of the 1980ties.The victory of  the USSR over European fascism was one of the greatest achievements of history ever: Stalingrad, and particularly Kursk. The great patriotic war was precisely that, and  must never be forgotten.

Tetrasociology rightly criticizes the deficiencies of Marx, Parsons and Maturana, and at the same time integrates into itself their great accomplishments. Toffler produced a positivistic futurology. Ossip Flechtheim had initiated already a dialectical futurology, very much concerned with peace. Both should, and could be preserved, and elevated, and fulfilled in a Tetra Sociology, as peace science.

The harmonization tendencies in all the supersessions of Marx are of course most desirable. However, there is the danger, that harmony turns into ideology, understood as false consciousness, cover up for national and class interests, shortly the untruth. The introduction of private property since 10 000 years ago has produced the domination of the Many by the One, or  by the Few, – slaveholders, feudal lords, and owners of  capital, reproducing themselves through the  private appropriation of collective labor -, class struggles, and so called  just  wars, not only of revenge, but also, and mostly so, of thievery: such as the colonial war, Barbarossa, which  Hitler conducted against the USSR,  in the name of European capital, with 4 million men from all  the states, which now constitute the European Union, killing 26 million Russians, and 6 million Jews. These are stubborn facts of history, which are hard to overcome, even by a pluralistic social theory, not to speak of practice: even by the transition from Partons to Spherons. The Tetrasociology must under all circumstances be realistically protected against ideology critique.

We consider the Tetrasociology as an important event, and moment, in the dialectical history of philosophy and science. It can make a great contribution to peace in the present Post-Western period of political world history. Post-Western means, that Europe has moved into retirement, since quite some time (Spengler), and that the American and the Slavic World have moved to the front of the human species, and have thus become exceptional, as once the Persians and the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, the  Germans, Spaniards and British, had been exceptional. It is a moment of greatest responsibility for both, the Slavic and the American World, for themselves, and for all of humanity. Fascism, which wanted to rescue Europe, only helped to bring into Thuringia, Germany, Europe, the American as well as the Slavic Worlds, by declaring war against both of them.

The Tetrasociology can support and enhance the peaceful collaboration between the Slavic and the American World in this moment of history. Tetrasociology can contribute to conflict resolution between the Slavic and the American World, so that both, as they strive for greatness, maintain themselves and humanity in relative peace and harmony, and together  overcome terror, hunger, poverty, illness, epidemics, environmental damages, nationally and internationally. Both, the American and Slavic World may  peacefully compete with each other, which of them  deals better and more humanely  with problems of race and class, and contributes most effectively to the arrival of Post-modern, alternative Future III: a global society, reconciling personal autonomy, and universal, anamnestic, present, and proleptic, solidarity, and prevents Post-Modern alternative Future I – the totally administered society, technocratic or fascist,  and Post-Modern alternative Future II – an aggressive,  militaristic society, promoting wars and civil wars, and preparing ABC wars of civilizations, based on religion, or being secular [4; 5].


  1. Semashko, Leo (2002) Tetrasociology: Responses to Challenges. St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University:
  2. Semashko, Leo and 173 coauthors from 34 countries (2016) Global Peace Science or Peaceloveology, Peacescience: First Common Good and Human Right, Revolution of Social Sciences, Creating Peace from SPHERONS’ Harmony and Nonviolent Victory of Peace over War in XXI Century. Smaran Publication, New Delhi. 616 p. ISBN 978-81-929087-8-6:
  3. Semashko, Leo (2017) Deep Social Structure of SPHERONS’ Harmony: Copernican Revolution of Sociology in the XXI Century:

In Russian:  

  1. Siebert, Rudolf (2010) Manifesto of the Critical Theory of Society and Religion. Brill
  2. Siebert, Rudolf (2013) The world religion in the global public sphere: Towards concrete Freedom and material democracy. New Delhi: Sanbun Publishers. (ISBN: 9789382393115; WMU Call #: BL80.3 .S575 2012).

Rudolf Siebert,

Ph.D., Professor of Religion and Society at
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Golden Rule Harmony for the US


About the author




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